“Really committing to that self-care when you return. Checking in with what am I returning to? Am I going to have a job? If not, what is my plan to work on that? How am I going to spend my time when I get back? Just making sure that you’ve got a grounded space to work from. And that you are exercising every day to try to maintain some of those endorphins.”
• Canada Entry Permit
• Whitney Corridor Permit
• Once I was on trail, I had this epiphany that I have I think every time I step on trail of “I don’t know what I was so worried about planning. You’re just walking and you figure stuff out as you go.”
• I didn’t realize how much of a grasp society puts on you once you get going in your career and life. And so, I felt like it was very difficult to detach from just the normal bills and stuff.
• I needed to make sure in my preplanning that I had the ability to take my time easing back in
financially and otherwise.
• Coming back from the trail was very lonely. It’s very difficult to be in an environment where
people don’t understand what you did.
• You went on trail one way. You come back kinda a different way and you can’t really adjust.
It’s difficult to connect with people.
• Having someone to talk to who understands what you’ve gone through. Where you can say the word Lone Pine or Kearsarge Pass or Forester and they know what that means. You can have a level 3 conversation… was so therapeutic and so comforting.
• Maintaining some of that communication (with your fellow hikers) is really important.
• Exercising on a regular basis.
• Volunteer!
• Really committing to that self-care when you return. Checking in with what am I returning to? Am I going to have a job? If not, what is my plan to work on that? How am I going to spend my time when I get back? Just making sure that you’ve got a grounded space to work from. And that you are exercising every day to try to maintain some of those endorphins.
• Whatever self care practices you’ve got currently in place, making sure you return to that
even if it doesn’t feel good.